Donate to English4Refugees
Donations and Support

After an extremely successful intensive 6-week course (see below and here) for 5 groups of refugees from the war in Ukraine, we were able to extend the course for the academic year 2022/3 for 6 groups and again in 2023-24 for 7 groups. Watch and listen to some of the course participants in this video appeal.
If you would like to see more of our course participants speaking, you will find an extended version of the above video here.
Our core aims remain unchanged. As English is a skill for life and social mobility, these courses aim to do three things:
- Improve basic English skills
- Help with skills and language needed to apply for jobs and working in an English speaking environment
- Put refugees in a position to gain an internationally recognised qualification in English (ESOL)
Our current funding objective is to raise enough funds to enable as many refugees as possible to extend their group studies free of charge to the end of May 2025 and to allow for a a new intake of students in the coming academic year.
Donations Guide: 400€ will pay for books for 1 group for one academic year. 800€ will sponsor 1 student through 1 academic year. 3750€ buys a book for every student in the 2024/25 academic year. 6400€ will pay for one group to study for an academic year. 44800€k will pay for the basic costs of the entire year for 6 groups. However, please remember, no donation is too small or too big! All contributions big and small will be gratefully received and put to good use.
If you would like to support the English4 Refugees programme with a donation, please use the following bank details:
IBAN is EE942200221078870902
Bank details: SWEDBANK AS
Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn
Reg. number: 10060701
Bank phone: +372 6132222
*Please write ‘English4Refugees Donation’ in the payment description.
Thanks again to our main partners and supporters so far:

Thanks also to: | ||
Express Publishing | Allecto AS | A Gorizontova |
Overall Eesti AS | J Aru | J Uhler |
SimpleKPI | D Franch | H Proode |
Merchants House Hotel | C Cameron | K Vahenurm |
EuroX SIA | MB Galbraith | R Hazlehurst |
JD Marsdale | RA Forssten | Dr. R Yallop |
M Vahter | V Goguadze | P Rüsse |
D Featherstone | C Lautre | B + M Marsdale |
M Oliinyk | J Poole | D Selder |
S. Griffen | R Brookes | Dr. Adrian Venables |
Bromley and Beckenham Philatelic Society | G Hill | Slack Technologies |
British Embassy Estonia | J Ross | Unique Hotels |
Notes and queries to: