
Conversation Club New course, New time

Learn to Speak Better than Travis
Learn to Speak Better than Travis

Conversation Club

We are offering a course for students who wish to practice their English and get feedback from a native speaker teacher. There is no course book and no systematic language improvement syllabus. Instead, this is a course intended to improve spoken fluency and confidence first and foremost. We facilitate language practice by selecting topics and activities which will stimulate the student to speak freely. Examples of activities include: debates and discussions, negotiations, role plays, business mazes and other problems solving activities, pitching competitions etc. The classes can take place once a week and each class is 90 minutes (2 academic hours) long. Typically, a class will begin with a set up and perhaps some pre-teaching, prior to the main activity and will end with feedback from teacher to students.

Cost for 30 hours: 275€ + VAT

Conversation club meets on Fridays at 12:30-14:00

Course starts: 14 September 2018

IELTS Preparation @ ILS

We are running a 2-week course running from 10-21 September to prepare you for the Academic IELTS exam. This is a mini group course for max 4 students.

Here’s the timetable:
Sept 10 – 17:30-19:00 – Intro to IELTS + Listening
Sept 11 – 17:30-19:00 – Reading
Sept 12 – 17:30-19:00 – Writing 1.1
Sept 13 – 17:30-19:00 – Writing 1.2
Sept 14 – 16:00-19:45 – Practice test 1
Sept 17 – 17:30-19:00 – Writing 2.1
Sept 18 – 17:30-19:00 – Writing 2.2
Sept 19 – 17:30-19:00 – Speaking 1
Sept 20 – 17:30-19:00 – Speaking 2
Sept 21 – 16:00-19:45 Practice test 2
Cost: 400 € + VAT + Book (45€)

Study Abroad 3: What are the most important reasons for studying language overseas?

One recent survey of agencies showed the 4 reasons ranked in the following order:
1. Future work 38%
2. Further studies overseas 36%
3. Pleasure and Culture 16%
4. Current work 10%
These statistics perhaps should not surprise anyone – after all, open a newspaper of look for job online and you’ll soon find that without language skills you are at an distinct disadvantage.
Opportunities to study abroad for students have never been more abundant. However, one recent phenomenon is the explosive growth in University degrees all over Europe which are taught in English.

IELTS Private Course Available for 07 April Exam in Tallinn

We can offer a 2-week course running from 28 March-06 April to prepare you for the Academic IELTS exam on 07 April. The private course can be for 1 or 2 students – so bring a friend and reduce your costs!

Here’s the timetable:
March 28 11:30-13:00 – Intro to IELTS + Listening
March 29 10:00-13:00 – Reading + Speaking 1
March 30 10:00-14:00 – Practice test 1
April 02 11:30-13:00 – Writing 1.1
April 03 10:00-13:00 – Writing 1.2 + Speaking 2
April 04 11:30-13:00 – Writing 2.1
April 05 11:30-13:00 – Writing 2.2
April 06 10:00-14:00 Practice test 2
Cost: 630 € + VAT + Book (45€)

Study Abroad 2: Why Study Abroad

Why study abroad? Well, last time we already started that as long as you have a basic knowledge of the language, you can make rapid progress in as little as a week or two and really significant progress in a month. Of course, it helps is you choose the right course and living arrangements to ensure that you are using the target languages much as possible every day. ILS can help you do that and unlike, for example many holidays, it won’t cost you any more to use a middle man like ILS than arranging a course yourself.


Conversation Club

inglisekeele kursus

Conversation Club
Pakume kursust kõikidele, kes soovivad praktiseerida inglise keelt ning saada tagasisidet inglise keelt emakeelena kõnelevalt õpetajalt. Kursusel ei kasutata põhiõpikut ega keeleõppe tavaprogrammi, vaid keskendutakse eelkõige suulise väljendusoskuse parandamisele läbi diskussiooni võimaldavate teemade ja tegevuste. Valik võimalikest tegevustest: väitlused ja arutelud; läbirääkimised; rollimängud; võistlused; meeskonnatööd jmt. Tunnid toimuvad üks kord nädalas, ühe tunni pikkus on 90 minutit (2 akadeemilist tundi). Tunnid algavad vajaliku sõnavara kordamisega, millele järgneb selle praktiseerimine läbi mitmesuguste tegevuste ning tund lõpeb õpetajapoolse tagasisidega õpilastele.
30-ak.tunnise kursuse hind: 275€ + käibemaks
Tunnid toimuvad reedeti kell 14:00
Kursuse alguskuupäev: 19.jaanuar 2017

Study Abroad 1: Fast Results

Have you ever thought about studying English abroad? If you need to improve your language skills quickly and you language skills are at an A2 or better level, study abroad is often the most efficient way forward.

ILS can help you find the best location to suit your learning needs and has partnerships in several countries with language schools providing English, French Spanish and German courses.

Of course, the most popular language is English and the year, the global market for English study abroad was worth over 10 billion US dollars.

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