Prepare for the IELTS Test
2 week modular course
Course details: 2-week course
Example timetable: 8x90mins + 1×225 minutes
About the course.
This course will develop your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in preparation for the IELTS Test. In this course you will learn test taking strategies to help you reach your IELTS test score goal. You will prepare specifically for the listening and speaking modules, as well as the Academic Reading and Writing components. Mini tests will be administered throughout the course to track your progress.
Why take the course?
“… I completed a preparation course for IELTS at ILS and am absolutely sure I made the right choice. ILS help me make real improvements in all 4 sections of the exam: reading, speaking, writing and listening. I really don’t think I would have passed IELTS as well without that course.” Anna Issakova
“I am very grateful for you help not only during these 5 week course but even after it. You always was very responsible and kind to me. And my result is very clearly visible: I’ve passed IELTS exam and got marks that I needed and right now I am in Edinburgh and studying at one of the best universities in the world! Thank you!” Anton Puzerjov
“I am really grateful that I had an opportunity to attend these courses, thanks to them, I have passed my IELTS exam and achieved the thing I needed. The main point of attending this course, is that it will make you understand the whole IELTS system, how does it work and what is going to happen on the exam, what is very important in this kind of test. Teachers gave us a lot of useful tips and explained the way of how to not be “caught”. Couple of weeks of intensive practice in ILS IELTS course will make you feel prepared and very confident… Plus everyone is very friendly, and you will absolutely enjoy the process of studying… I did. :)” Dima Smagljuk
“See esmaklassilise õpetaja ning õppematerjaliga kursus aitas mul IELTS-i testi sooritada pingevabalt ning enesekindlalt – eksami vorm, tüüpülesanded, reeglid ja hindamiskriteeriumid said lühikese aja jooksul korralikult selgeks. Soovitan soojalt kõigile, kes ei taha olulist testi tehes kohata ebaootamatut!” Anni-Brit Remmelg
ILS is the place where you should be if you want to take a language exam and pass it very well. Amazing teachers who help you and do their best to teach you. I had a dream of studying in England and now I’m there. Many many thanks to ILS teachers who helped me to prepare for IELTS test and make my dream come true. Jenny Kisselenko
About the IELTS
IELTS, is a popular language proficiency examination required of non-native speakers of English for entry to university. It is also used as a requirement for emigration puposes (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK).
When Where and How often can the test be taken.
The test is given every month at Tallinn University Language Centre. The number of places is limited and you need to register for the test in advance. When you register for the test you will be given an information pack which gives more information about the 2 different kinds of IELTS test (general or academic) and some example questions.
How long will I have to wait for the results of the test?
What kind of test is it?
IELTS is an examination which is divided into four main parts:
– Listening comprehension (4 sections, 40 items, 30 minutes)
– Reading (3 sections, 40 items, 60 minutes)
– Writing (2 tasks, 150 and 250 words, 60 minutes)
– Speaking (10-15 minutes)
How is the IELTS scored?
The IELTS test is scored from Band 1 to Band 9. Different scores are required for different purposes in both general and academic versions of the exam. For example, academic exam takers are usually expected to score from upwards of band 6 (athough sometimes lower scores are required) for undergraduate programs and over band 7 for graduate programs. Candidates should find out what score is required for their own purposes.
For more information please contact Tallinn University Language Centre.